Feedback is the Breakfast of Champions

A little support early on may prevent extreme vulnerability later.

Identify the pattern
Identify the error
Nip it in the bud
Correct the pattern


This is a simple, practical method of learning how to release harmful tension from your body so as to return to poise, ease and comfort. It is a very gentle pleasurable physical movement discipline.The focus is on self-perception of movement. It is most often taught by one-to-one hands-on coaching whilst fully clothed.

What makes it unique, is its lack of preset exercises. Any movement can be used to demonstrate its principles. It alleviates pain, promotes rehabilitation, improves breathing and decreases stage fright as well as improving other conditions relating to overcompensation.

In the workplace , the need for the Alexander Technique is becoming increasingly recognised. You can learn to prevent discomfort, even injuries associated with sitting at the computer, typing, bending, lifting and any quick repetitive movement including texting. Conditions like adverse stress, RSI, posture related pain can often be prevented. Performance and employee wellbeing, enhanced.

NHS research published in August 2008 confirms the significant long term benefits for chronic back pain sufferers who have one-to one Alexander Technique lessons with a STAT certified Teacher. Results at and

One year after the major NHS trail started, the average number of activities limited by low back pain had fallen by 42%, and the number of days in pain was only 3 per month for those having taken AT lessons, compared with 21 days in pain for the control group. Results were also significantly better for AT than for exercise or massage.

Back Care, The Charity for Healthier Backs, firmly endorses the use of the Alexander Technique for back pain.

AT Tutors are classed as health educators. In some ways they can be compared to health coaches although  they are dealing with specific areas of health education via The Alexander Technique.